Python Extension Development (Labs)

These classes can be used by developers to implement their own Python nodes for KNIME. For a more detailed description see the Pure Python Node Extensions Guide


Before KNIME AP 4.7, the module used to access KNIME functionality was called knime_extension. This module has been renamed to knime.extension.


class knime.extension.PythonNode

Extend this class to provide a pure Python based node extension to KNIME Analytics Platform.

Users can either use the decorators @knext.input_table, @knext.input_binary, @knext.output_table, @knext.output_binary, and @knext.output_view, or populate the input_ports, output_ports, and output_view attributes.

Use the Python logging facilities and its .warning and .error methods to write warnings and errors to the KNIME console. .info and .debug will only show up in the KNIME console if the log level in KNIME is configured to show these.


>>> import logging
... import knime.extension as knext
... LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
... category = knext.category("/community", "mycategory", "My Category", "My category described", icon="icons/category.png")
... @knext.node(name="Pure Python Node", node_type=knext.NodeType.LEARNER, icon_path="icons/icon.png", category=category)
... @knext.input_table(name="Input Data", description="We read data from here")
... @knext.output_table(name="Output Data", description="Whatever the node has produced")
... class TemplateNode(knext.PythonNode):
...     # A Python node has a description.
...     def configure(self, configure_context, table_schema):
..."Configuring node")
...         return table_schema
...     def execute(self, exec_context, table):
...         return table
abstract configure(config_context: ConfigurationContext, *inputs)

Configure this Python node.

  • config_context (ConfigurationContext) – The ConfigurationContext providing KNIME utilities during execution

  • *inputs – Each input table spec or binary port spec will be added as parameter, in the same order that the ports were defined.


Either a single spec, or a tuple or list of specs. The number of specs must match the number of defined output ports, and they must be returned in this order. Alternatively, instead of a spec, a knext.Column can be returned (if the spec shall only consist of one column).

Return type:

Union[Spec, List[Spec], Tuple[Spec, …], Column]


InvalidParametersError – If the current input parameters do not satisfy this node’s requirements.

abstract execute(exec_context: ExecutionContext, *inputs)

Execute this Python node.

  • exec_context (ExecutionContext) – The ExecutionContext providing KNIME utilities during execution.

  • *inputs (tuple) – Each input table or binary port object will be added as a parameter, in the same order that the ports were defined. Tables will be provided as a kn.Table, while binary data will be a plain Python bytes object.


Either a single output object (table or binary), or a tuple or list of objects. The number of output objects must match the number of defined output ports, and they must be returned in this order. Tables must be provided as a kn.Table or kn.BatchOutputTable, while binary data should be returned as plain Python bytes object.

Return type:

object or tuple/list of objects

A node is part of a category:

knime.extension.category(path: str, level_id: str, name: str, description: str, icon: str, after: str = '', locked: bool = True)

Register a new node category.

A node category must only be created once. Use a string encoding the absolute category path to add nodes to an existing category.

  • path (Union[str, Category]) – The absolute “path” that lead to this category e.g. “/io/read”. The segments are the category level-IDs, separated by a slash (“/”). Categories that contain community nodes should be placed in the “/community” category.

  • level_id (str) – The identifier of the level which is used as a path-segment and must be unique at the level specified by “path”.

  • name (str) – The name of this category e.g. “File readers”.

  • description (str) – A short description of the category.

  • icon (str) – File path to 16x16 pixel PNG icon for this category. The path must be relative to the root of the extension.

  • after (str, optional) – Specifies the level-id of the category after which this category should be sorted in. Defaults to “”.

  • locked (bool, optional) – Set this to False to allow extensions from other vendors to add sub-categories or nodes to this category. Defaults to True.


The full path of the category which can be used to create nodes inside this category.

Return type:


A node has a type:

class knime.extension.NodeType(value)

Defines the different node types that are available for Python based nodes.

LEARNER = 'Learner'

A node learning a model that is typically consumed by a PREDICTOR.

MANIPULATOR = 'Manipulator'

A node that manipulates data.

OTHER = 'Other'

A node that doesn’t fit one of the other node types.

PREDICTOR = 'Predictor'

A node that predicts something typically using a model provided by a LEARNER.

SINK = 'Sink'

A node consuming data.

SOURCE = 'Source'

A node producing data.

VISUALIZER = 'Visualizer'

A node that visualizes data.

A node’s configure method receives a configuration context that lets you interact with KNIME

class knime.extension.ConfigurationContext(java_ctx, flow_variables)

The ConfigurationContext provides utilities to communicate with KNIME during a node’s configure() method.

property flow_variables: Dict[str, Any]

The flow variables coming in from KNIME as a dictionary with string keys.


The dictionary can be edited and supports flow variables of the following types:

  • bool

  • list[bool]

  • float

  • list[float]

  • int

  • list[int]

  • str

  • list[str]


Returns the identifier (flow variable name) for each credential.


A list of credential names.

Return type:


get_credentials(identifier: str) Credential

Returns the credentials dataclass for the given identifier.


identifier (str) – The identifier of the credentials to retrieve.


A dataclass containing the credentials.

Return type:


set_warning(message: str) None

Sets a warning on the node.


message (str) – The warning message to display on the node.

A node’s execute method receives an execution context that lets you interact with KNIME and e.g. check whether the user has cancelled the execution of your Python node.

class knime.extension.ExecutionContext(java_ctx, flow_variables)

The ExecutionContext provides utilities to communicate with KNIME during a node’s execute() method.

property flow_variables: Dict[str, Any]

The flow variables coming in from KNIME as a dictionary with string keys.


The dictionary can be edited and supports flow variables of the following types:

  • bool

  • list[bool]

  • float

  • list[float]

  • int

  • list[int]

  • str

  • list[str]


Returns the identifier (flow variable name) for each credential.


A list of credential names.

Return type:


get_credentials(identifier: str) Credential

Returns the credentials dataclass for the given identifier.


identifier (str) – The identifier of the credentials to retrieve.


A dataclass containing the credentials.

Return type:


get_knime_home_dir() str

Returns the local absolute path to the directory in which KNIME stores its configuration as well as log files.


The local absolute path to the KNIME directory.

Return type:


get_workflow_data_area_dir() str

Returns the local absolute path to the current workflow’s data area folder. This folder is meant to be part of the workflow, so its contents are included whenever the workflow is shared.

get_workflow_temp_dir() str

Returns the local absolute path where temporary files for this workflow should be stored. Files created in this folder are not automatically deleted by KNIME.

By default, this folder is located in the operating system’s temporary folder. In that case, the contents will be cleaned by the OS.

is_canceled() bool

Returns true if this node’s execution has been canceled from KNIME. Nodes can check for this property and return early if the execution does not need to finish. Raising a RuntimeError in that case is encouraged.

set_progress(progress: float, message: str | None = None)

Set the progress of the execution.

Note that the progress that can be set here is 80% of the total progress of a node execution. The first and last 10% are reserved for data transfer and will be set by the framework.

  • progress (float) – A floating point number between 0.0 and 1.0.

  • message (str, optional) – An optional message to display in KNIME with the progress.

set_warning(message: str) None

Sets a warning on the node.


message (str) – The warning message to display on the node.

The dialog creation context is used to create dialogs for the configuration of the node. It can be accessed indirectly, by passing its method’s as arguments to specific parameters (see the example below).

class knime.extension.DialogCreationContext(java_ctx, flow_variables, specs_to_python_converter)

The DialogCreationContext provides utilities to communicate with KNIME during the dialog creation phase. It enables access to the flow variables, the specs of the input tables and the credentials. These can be used to create the dialog elements, by passing the respective method as lambda function to the constructor of the string parameter class. The lambdas will receive the dialog creation context as parameter which should be passed as first parameter to the fully qualified method calls of DialogCreationContext as below:


>>> class ExampleNode:
...     # This dialog element displays a dropdown with all available credentials
...     string_param = knext.StringParameter(label="Credential parameter", description="Choices is a callable",
...                                 choices=lambda a: knext.DialogCreationContext.get_credential_names(a))
property flow_variables: Dict[str, Any]

The flow variables coming in from KNIME as a dictionary with string keys.


The dictionary can be edited and supports flow variables of the following types:

  • bool

  • list[bool]

  • float

  • list[float]

  • int

  • list[int]

  • str

  • list[str]


Returns the identifier (flow variable name) for each credential.


A list of credential names.

Return type:


get_credentials(identifier: str) Credential

Returns the credentials dataclass for the given identifier.


identifier (str) – The identifier of the credentials to retrieve.


A dataclass containing the credentials.

Return type:



Returns the flow variables coming in from KNIME as a dictionary with string keys. The dictionary cannot be edited.


The flow variables dictionary with string keys.

Return type:



The supported flow variable types are: - bool - list(bool) - float - list(float) - int - list(int) - str - list(str)

get_input_specs() List[PortObjectSpec]

Returns the specs for all input ports of the node.


A list of specs for all input ports.

Return type:



These decorators can be used to easily configure your Python node.

knime.extension.node(name: str, node_type: NodeType, icon_path: str, category: str, after: str | None = None, keywords: List[str] | None = None, id: str | None = None, is_deprecated: bool = False, is_hidden: bool = False) Callable

Use this decorator to annotate a PythonNode class or function that creates a PythonNode instance that should correspond to a node in KNIME.

  • name (str) – The name of the node

  • node_type (NodeType) – Type can be Source, Sink, Learner, Predictor, Manipulator, Visualizer or Other.

  • icon_path (str) – String to icon if no path is given it has no icon.

  • category (str) – Category to which the node will belongs to. The node will appear under this category. E.g. community.

  • after (Optional[str]) – If given the node will be listed after the specified node.

  • keywords (Optional[List[str]]) – Keywords describing your node which will help finding the node during search.

  • id (str) – Id of your node.

  • is_deprecated (bool) – Default is false.

  • is_hidden (bool) – Default is false. If true your node will not shown during search and not be listed in it’s category.


Returns a function which will decorate your node implementation with the set parameters.

Return type:


knime.extension.input_table(name: str, description: str)

Use this decorator to define an input port of type “Table” of a node.

  • name (str) – The name of the input port.

  • description (str) – A description of the input port.

knime.extension.input_binary(name: str, description: str, id: str)

Use this decorator to define a bytes-serialized port object input of a node.

  • name (str) – The name of the input port.

  • description (str) – A description of the input port.

  • id (str) – A unique ID identifying the type of the Port. Only Ports with equal ID can be connected in KNIME.

knime.extension.input_port(name: str, description: str, port_type: PortType)

Use this decorator to add an input port of the provided type to a node.

  • name (str) – The name of the input port.

  • description (str) – A description of the input port.

  • port_type (PortType) – The type of the input port.

knime.extension.output_table(name: str, description: str)

Use this decorator to define an output port of type “Table” of a node.

  • name (str) – The name of the port.

  • description (str) – Description of what the port is used for.

knime.extension.output_image(name: str, description: str)

Use this decorator to define an output port of the type “Image” of a node.

The configure method must return specs of the type ImagePortObjectSpec. The execute method must return a bytes object containing the image data. Note that the image data must be valid for the format defined in configure.

  • name (str) – The name of the image output port

  • description (str) – Description of the image output port


>>> @knext.node(...)
... @knext.output_image(
...     name="PNG Output Image",
...     description="An example PNG output image")
... @knext.output_image(
...     name="SVG Output Image",
...     description="An example SVG output image")
... class ImageNode:
...     def configure(self, config_context):
...         return (
...             knext.ImagePortObjectSpec(knext.ImageFormat.PNG),
...             knext.ImagePortObjectSpec(knext.ImageFormat.SVG),
...         )
...     def execute(self, exec_context):
...         # create a plot ...
...         buffer_png = io.BytesIO()
...         plt.savefig(buffer_png, format="png")
...         buffer_svg = io.BytesIO()
...         plt.savefig(buffer_svg, format="svg")
...         return (
...             buffer_png.getvalue(),
...             buffer_svg.getvalue(),
...         )
knime.extension.output_binary(name: str, description: str, id: str)

Use this decorator to define a bytes-serialized port object output of a node.

  • name (str) – The name of the port.

  • description (str) – The description of the port.

  • id (str) – A unique ID identifying the type of the Port. Only Ports with equal ID can be connected in KNIME.

knime.extension.output_port(name: str, description: str, port_type: PortType)

Use this decorator to add an output port of the provided type to a node.

  • name (str) – The name of the port.

  • description (str) – Description of what the port is used for.

  • port_type (type) – The type of the port to add.

knime.extension.output_view(name: str, description: str, static_resources: str | None = None)

Use this decorator to specify that this node produces a view.

  • name (str) – The name of the view.

  • description (str) – Description of the view.

  • static_resources (str) – The path to a folder of resources that will be available to the HTML page. The path given here must be relative to the root of the extension. The resources can be accessed by the same relative file path (e.g. “{static_resources}/{filename}”).


To add parameterization to your nodes, the configuration dialog can be defined and customized. Each parameter can be used in the nodes execution by accessing self.param_name. These parameters can be set up by using the following parameter types. For a more detailed description see Defining the node’s configuration dialog.

class knime.extension.IntParameter(label: str | None = None, description: str | None = None, default_value: int | Callable[[Version], int] = 0, validator: Callable[[int], None] | None = None, min_value: int | None = None, max_value: int | None = None, since_version: Version | str | None = None, is_advanced: bool = False)

Parameter class for primitive integer types.

class knime.extension.DoubleParameter(label: str | None = None, description: str | None = None, default_value: float | Callable[[Version], float] = 0.0, validator: Callable[[float], None] | None = None, min_value: float | None = None, max_value: float | None = None, since_version: Version | str | None = None, is_advanced: bool = False)

Parameter class for primitive float types.

class knime.extension.BoolParameter(label: str | None = None, description: str | None = None, default_value: bool | Callable[[Version], bool] = False, validator: Callable[[bool], None] | None = None, since_version: Version | str | None = None, is_advanced: bool = False)

Parameter class for primitive boolean types.

class knime.extension.StringParameter(label: str | None = None, description: str | None = None, default_value: str | Callable[[Version], str] = '', enum: List[str] | None = None, validator: Callable[[str], None] | None = None, since_version: Version | str | None = None, is_advanced: bool = False, choices: Callable | None = None)

Parameter class for primitive string types.

class knime.extension.ColumnParameter(label: str | None = None, description: str | None = None, port_index: int = 0, column_filter: Callable[[Column], bool] | None = None, include_row_key: bool = False, include_none_column: bool = False, since_version: str | None = None, is_advanced: bool = False, schema_provider=None)

Parameter class for single columns.

class knime.extension.MultiColumnParameter(label: str | None = None, description: str | None = None, port_index: int | None = 0, column_filter: Callable[[Column], bool] | None = None, since_version: Version | str | None = None, is_advanced: bool = False)

Parameter class for multiple columns.

class knime.extension.ColumnFilterParameter(label: str | None = None, description: str | None = None, port_index: int | None = 0, default_value: ColumnFilterConfig | Callable[[Version], ColumnFilterConfig] | None = None, column_filter: Callable[[Column], bool] | None = None, since_version: Version | str | None = None, is_advanced: bool = False, schema_provider=None)

Parameter class that supports full column filtering for columns.

class knime.extension.ColumnFilterConfig(mode=ColumnFilterMode.MANUAL, pattern_filter: PatternFilterConfig | None = None, type_filter: TypeFilterConfig | None = None, manual_filter: ManualFilterConfig | None = None, included_column_names: List[str] | None = None, pre_filter: Callable[[Column], bool] | None = None)

The value of a ColumnFilterParameter is a ColumnFilterConfig instance with a mode as well as configuration for the different modes.

Use the apply method to filter schemas and tables according to this filter config


>>> @knext.node(
...     name="Python Column Filter",
...     node_type=knext.NodeType.MANIPULATOR,
...     icon_path=...,
...     category=...,
... )
... @knext.input_table("Input Table", "Input table.")
... @knext.output_table("Output Table", "Output table.")
... class ColumnFilterNode:
...     column_filter = knext.ColumnFilterParameter("Column Filter", "Column Filter")
...     def configure(self, config_context, input_schema: knext.Schema):
...         return self.column_filter.apply(input_schema)
...     def execute(self, exec_context, input_table):
...         return self.column_filter.apply(input_table)
apply(columnar: _Columnar) _Columnar

Filter a table schema or a table according to this column filter configuration.

class knime.extension.EnumParameter(label: str | None = None, description: str | None = None, default_value: str | Callable[[Version], str] | None = None, enum: EnumParameterOptions | None = None, validator: Callable[[str], None] | None = None, since_version: Version | str | None = None, is_advanced: bool = False, style: Style | None = None)

Parameter class for multiple-choice parameter types. Replicates and extends the enum functionality previously implemented as part of StringParameter.

A subclass of EnumParameterOptions should be provided as the enum parameter, which should contain class attributes of the form OPTION_NAME = (OPTION_LABEL, OPTION_DESCRIPTION). The corresponding option attributes can be accessed via, .label, and .description respectively.

The .name attribute of each option is used as the selection constant, e.g. == “OPTION_NAME”.


>>> class CoffeeOptions(EnumParameterOptions):
...     CLASSIC = ("Classic", "The classic chocolatey taste, with notes of bitterness and wood.")
...     FRUITY = ("Fruity", "A fruity taste, with notes of berries and citrus.")
...     WATERY = ("Watery", "A watery taste, with notes of water and wetness.")
... coffee_selection_param = knext.EnumParameter(
...     label="Coffee Selection",
...     description="Select the type of coffee you like to drink.",
...     enum=CoffeeOptions,
... )
class Style(value)

An enumeration.

class knime.extension.EnumParameterOptions(value)

A helper class for creating EnumParameter options, based on Python’s Enum class.

Developers should subclass this class, and provide enumeration options as class attributes of the subclass, of the form OPTION_NAME = (OPTION_LABEL, OPTION_DESCRIPTION).

Enum option objects can be accessed as attributes of the EnumParameterOptions subclass, e.g. MyEnum.OPTION_NAME. Each option object has the following attributes:

  • name: the name of the class attribute, e.g. “OPTION_NAME”, which is used as the selection constant;

  • label: the label of the option, displayed in the configuration dialogue of the node;

  • description: the description of the option, used along with the label to generate a list of the available options in the Node Description and in the configuration dialogue of the node.


>>> class CoffeeOptions(EnumParameterOptions):
...     CLASSIC = ("Classic", "The classic chocolatey taste, with notes of bitterness and wood.")
...     FRUITY = ("Fruity", "A fruity taste, with notes of berries and citrus.")
...     WATERY = ("Watery", "A watery taste, with notes of water and wetness.")
classmethod get_all_options()

Returns a list of all options defined in the EnumParameterOptions subclass.

class knime.extension.DateTimeParameter(label: str | None = None, description: str | None = None, default_value: str | date | None = None, validator=None, min_value: str | date | None = None, max_value: str | date | None = None, since_version=None, is_advanced=False, show_date=True, show_time=False, show_seconds=False, show_milliseconds=False, timezone: str | None = None, date_format: str | None = None)
class knime.extension.LocalPathParameter(label: str | None = None, description: str | None = None, placeholder_text: str = '', validator: Callable[[str], None] | None = None, since_version: Version | str | None = None, is_advanced: bool = False)

Parameter class for local file path types. The path is represented as string.

  • TypeError – If the value is not a string.

  • ValueError – If the value is not a valid file path.

rule(condition: Condition, effect: Effect)

Add a rule that conditionally sets whether this parameter is visible or enabled in the dialog. This can be useful if this parameter should only be accessible if another parameter has a certain value.


Currently this only supports conditions where another parameter exactly matches a value. Rules can only depend on parameters on the same level, not in a child or parent parameter group.


>>> @knext.node(args)
... class MyNode:
...     string_param = knext.StringParameter(
...         "String Param Title",
...         "String Param Title Description",
...         "default value"
...     )
...     # this parameter gets disabled if string_param is "foo" or "bar"
...     int_param = knext.IntParameter(
...         "Int Param Title",
...         "Int Param Description",
...     ).rule(knext.OneOf(string_param, ["foo", "bar"]), knext.Effect.DISABLE)

To be used as a decorator for setting a validator function for a parameter. Note that ‘func’ will be encapsulated in ‘_validator’ and will not be available in the namespace of the class.


>>> @knext.node(args)
... class MyNode:
...     num_repetitions = knext.IntParameter(
...         label="Number of repetitions",
...         description="How often to repeat an action",
...         default_value=42
...     )
...     @num_repetitions.validator
...     def validate_reps(value):
...         if value > 100:
...             raise ValueError("Too many repetitions!")
...     def configure(args):
...         pass
...     def execute(args):
...         pass


While each parameter type listed above has default type validation (eg checking if the IntParameter contains only Integers), they also support custom validation via a property-like decorator notation. For instance, this can be used to verify that the parameter value matches a certain criteria (see example below). The validator should be placed below the definition of the corresponding parameter.

class knime.extension.IntParameter(label: str | None = None, description: str | None = None, default_value: int | Callable[[Version], int] = 0, validator: Callable[[int], None] | None = None, min_value: int | None = None, max_value: int | None = None, since_version: Version | str | None = None, is_advanced: bool = False)

Parameter class for primitive integer types.


To be used as a decorator for setting a validator function for a parameter. Note that ‘func’ will be encapsulated in ‘_validator’ and will not be available in the namespace of the class.


>>> @knext.node(args)
... class MyNode:
...     num_repetitions = knext.IntParameter(
...         label="Number of repetitions",
...         description="How often to repeat an action",
...         default_value=42
...     )
...     @num_repetitions.validator
...     def validate_reps(value):
...         if value > 100:
...             raise ValueError("Too many repetitions!")
...     def configure(args):
...         pass
...     def execute(args):
...         pass

Parameter Visibility Rules

By default, each parameter of a node is visible in the node’s configuration dialog. Parameters can be marked as advanced by setting is_advanced=True, which will only show them once the user has clicked “Show advanced settings” in the configuration dialog.

Sometimes a parameter should only be visible to the user if another parameter has a certain value. For this, each parameter type listed above has a method rule. In this method, one can specify a condition based on another parameter, which we call subject, and the effect that should be applied to this parameter when the condition becomes true.

class knime.extension.IntParameter(label: str | None = None, description: str | None = None, default_value: int | Callable[[Version], int] = 0, validator: Callable[[int], None] | None = None, min_value: int | None = None, max_value: int | None = None, since_version: Version | str | None = None, is_advanced: bool = False)

Parameter class for primitive integer types.

rule(condition: Condition, effect: Effect)

Add a rule that conditionally sets whether this parameter is visible or enabled in the dialog. This can be useful if this parameter should only be accessible if another parameter has a certain value.


Currently this only supports conditions where another parameter exactly matches a value. Rules can only depend on parameters on the same level, not in a child or parent parameter group.


>>> @knext.node(args)
... class MyNode:
...     string_param = knext.StringParameter(
...         "String Param Title",
...         "String Param Title Description",
...         "default value"
...     )
...     # this parameter gets disabled if string_param is "foo" or "bar"
...     int_param = knext.IntParameter(
...         "Int Param Title",
...         "Int Param Description",
...     ).rule(knext.OneOf(string_param, ["foo", "bar"]), knext.Effect.DISABLE)
class knime.extension.Condition

Abstract base class for all condition types of parameter visibility rules.

class knime.extension.OneOf(subject: Any, values: List[Any])

A Condition that evaluates to true if the value of the subject parameter is equal to one of the expected values.

class knime.extension.Effect(value)

Encodes the effect a rule may cause.


Disable the parameter if the condition is true


Enable the parameter if the condition is true


Hide the parameter if the condition is true


Show the parameter if the condition is true

Parameter Groups

Additionally these parameters can be combined in parameter_groups. These groups are visualized as sections in the configuration dialog. Another benefit of defining parameter groups is the ability to provide group validation. As opposed to only being able to validate a single value when attaching a validator to a parameter, group validators have access to the values of all parameters contained in the group, allowing for more complex validation routines.

knime.extension.parameter_group(label: str, since_version: Version | str | None = None, is_advanced: bool = False)

Decorator for classes implementing parameter groups. Parameter group classes can define parameters and other parameter groups both as class-level attributes and as instance-level attributed inside the __init__ method.

Parameter group classes can set values for their parameters inside the __init__ method during the constructor call (e.g. from the node containing the group, or another group). Note: when declaring the keyword arguments for the __init__ method of your parameter group class, you should refrain from using keywords from the following list of reserved keywords: since_version, is_advanced, and validator. These are used by the wrapper class in order to enable the backend functionality.

Group validators need to raise an exception if a values-based condition is violated, where values is a dictionary of parameter names and values. Group validators can be set using either of the following methods:

  • By implementing the “validate(self, values)” method inside the class definition of the group.


>>> def validate(self, values):
...     assert values['first_param'] + values['second_param'] < 100
  • By using the “@group_name.validator” decorator notation inside the class definition of the “parent” of the group. The decorator has an optional ‘override’ parameter, set to True by default, which overrides the “validate” method. If ‘override’ is set to False, the “validate” method, if defined, will be called first.

>>> @hyperparameters.validator(override=False)
... def validate_hyperparams(values):
...     assert values['first_param'] + values['second_param'] < 100


>>> @knext.parameter_group(label="My Settings")
... class MySettings:
...     name = knext.StringParameter("Name", "The name of the person", "Bario")
...     num_repetitions = knext.IntParameter("NumReps", "How often do we repeat?", 1, min_value=1)
...     @num_repetitions.validator
...     def reps_validator(value):
...         if value == 2:
...             raise ValueError("I don't like the number 2")
... @knext.node(args)
... class MyNodeWithSettings:
...     settings = MySettings()
...     def configure(args):
...         pass
...     def execute(args):
...         pass


Table and Schema are the two classes that are used to communicate tabular data (Table) during execute, or the table structure (Schema) in configure between Python and KNIME.

class knime.extension.Table

This class serves as public API to create KNIME tables either from pandas or pyarrow. These tables can than be sent back to KNIME. This class has to be instantiated by calling either from_pyarrow() or from_pandas()

__getitem__(slicing: slice | List[int] | List[str] | Tuple[slice | List[int] | List[str], slice]) _TabularView

Creates a view of this Table by slicing rows and columns. The slicing syntax is similar to that of numpy arrays, but columns can also be addressed as index lists or via a list of column names.


The syntax is [column_slice, row_slice]. Note that this is the exact opposite order than in the deprecated scripting API’s ReadTable.

  • column_slice (int, str, slice, list) – A column index, a column name, a slice object, a list of column indices, or a list of column names.

  • row_slice (slice, optional) – A slice object describing which rows to use.


A _TabularView representing a slice of the original Table.

Return type:



>>> row_sliced_table = table[:, :100] # Get the first 100 rows
... column_sliced_table = table[["name", "age"]] # Get all rows of the columns "name" and "age"
... row_and_column_sliced_table = table[1:5, :100] # Get the first 100 rows of columns 1,2,3,4
append(other: _Columnar | Sequence[_Columnar]) _ColumnarView

Append another _Columnar object (e.g. Table, Schema) or a sequence of _Columnar objects to the current _Columnar object.


other (Union["_Columnar", Sequence["_Columnar"]]) – The _Columnar object or a sequence of _Columnar objects to be appended.


A _ColumnarView object representing the current _Columnar object after the append operation.

Return type:


batches() Iterator[Table]

Returns a generator over the batches in this table. A batch is part of the table with all columns, but only a subset of the rows. A batch should always fit into memory (max size currently 64mb). The table being passed to execute() is already present in batches, so accessing the data this way is very efficient.


A generator object that yields batches of the table.

Return type:



>>> output_table = BatchOutputTable.create()
... for batch in my_table.batches():
...     input_batch = batch.to_pandas()
...     # process the batch
...     output_table.append(Table.from_pandas(input_batch))
abstract property column_names: list

Get the names of the columns in a dataset.

static from_pandas(data: pandas.DataFrame, sentinel: str | int | None = None, row_ids: str = 'auto')

Factory method to create a Table given a pandas.DataFrame. The index of the data frame will be used as RowKey by KNIME.


>>> Table.from_pandas(my_pandas_df, sentinel="min")
  • data (pandas.DataFrame) – A pandas DataFrame.

  • sentinel (str, optional) –

    Interpret the following values in integral columns as missing value:

    • "min": min int32 or min int64 depending on the type of the column

    • "max": max int32 or max int64 depending on the type of the column

    • a special integer value that should be interpreted as missing value

  • row_ids ({'keep', 'generate', 'auto'}, optional) –

    Defines what RowID should be used. Must be one of the following values:

    • "keep": Keep the DataFrame.index as the RowID. Convert the index to strings if necessary.

    • "generate": Generate new RowIDs of the format f"Row{i}" where i is the position of the row (from 0 to length-1).

    • "auto": If the DataFrame.index is of type int or unsigned int, use f"Row{n}" where n is the index of the row. Else, use “keep”.


The created Table object.

Return type:


static from_pyarrow(data: pyarrow.Table, sentinel: str | int | None = None, row_ids: str = 'auto')

Factory method to create a Table given a pyarrow.Table.

All batches of the table must have the same number of rows. Only the last batch can have less rows than the other batches.


>>> Table.from_pyarrow(my_pyarrow_table, sentinel="min")
  • data (pyarrow.Table) – A pyarrow.Table

  • sentinel (str) –

    Interpret the following values in integral columns as missing value:

    • "min" min int32 or min int64 depending on the type of the column

    • "max" max int32 or max int64 depending on the type of the column

    • a special integer value that should be interpreted as missing value

  • row_ids (str) –

    Defines what RowID should be used. Must be one of the following values:

    • "keep": Use the first column of the table as RowID. The first column must be of type string.

    • "generate": Generate new RowIDs of the format f"Row{i}" where i is the position of the row (from 0 to length-1).

    • "auto": Use the first column of the table if it has the name “<RowID>” and is of type string or integer.

      • If the “<RowID>” column is of type string, use it directly

      • If the “<RowID>” column is of an integer type use f"Row{n} where n is the value of the integer column.

      • Generate new RowIDs ("generate") if the first column has another type or name.


The created Table instance.

Return type:


insert(other: _Columnar, at: int) _Columnar

Insert a column or another _Columnar object (e.g. Table, Schema) into the current _Columnar object at a specific position.

  • other (_Columnar or Column) – The column or _Columnar object to be inserted.

  • at (int) – The index at which the insertion should occur.


The _Columnar object after the insertion.

Return type:



TypeError – If other is not of type _Columnar or Column.


The insertion is done in-place, meaning the current _Columnar object is modified.

abstract property num_columns: int

Get the number of columns in the dataset.

remove(slicing: str | int | List[str])

Implements remove method for Columnar data structures. The input can be a column index, a column name or a list of column names.

If the input is a column index, the column with that index will be removed. If it is a column name, then the first column with matching name is removed. Passing a list of column names will filter out all (including duplicate) columns with matching names.


slicing (int | list | str) – Can be of type integer representing the index in column_names to remove. Or a list of strings removing every column matching from that list. Or a string of which first occurrence is removed from the column_names.



Return type:

A View missing the columns to be removed.

  • ValueError – If no matching column is found given a list or str.:

  • IndexError – If column is accessed by integer and is out of bounds.:

  • TypeError – If the key is neither an integer nor a string or list of strings.:

abstract property schema: Schema

The schema of this table, containing column names, types, and potentially metadata

to_batches() Iterator[Table]

Alias for Table.batches()

to_pandas(sentinel: str | int | None = None) pandas.DataFrame

Access this table as a pandas.DataFrame.


sentinel (str or int) –

Replace missing values in integral columns by the given value. It can be one of the following:

  • "min" min int32 or min int64 depending on the type of the column

  • "max" max int32 or max int64 depending on the type of the column

  • An integer value that should be inserted for each missing value

to_pyarrow(sentinel: str | int | None = None) pyarrow.Table

Access this table as a pyarrow.Table.


sentinel (str or int) –

Replace missing values in integral columns by the given value, which can be one of the following:

  • ”min”: minimum value of int32 or int64 depending on the type of the column

  • ”max”: maximum value of int32 or int64 depending on the type of the column

  • An integer value that should be inserted for each missing value

class knime.extension.BatchOutputTable

An output table generated by combining smaller tables (also called batches).


  • All batches must have the same number, names and types of columns.

  • All batches except the last batch must have the same number of rows.

  • The last batch can have fewer rows than the other batches.

  • This object does not provide means to continue to work with the data but is meant to be used as a return value of a Node’s execute() method.

abstract append(batch: Table | pandas.DataFrame | pyarrow.Table | pyarrow.RecordBatch) None

Append a batch to this output table. The first batch defines the structure of the table, and all subsequent batches must have the same number of columns, column names and column types.


Keep in mind that the RowID will be handled according to the “row_ids” mode chosen in BatchOutputTable.create.

static create(row_ids: str = 'keep')

Create an empty BatchOutputTable


row_ids (str) –

Defines what RowID should be used. Must be one of the following values:

  • ”keep”:

    • For appending DataFrames: Keep the DataFrame.index as the RowID. Convert the index to strings if necessary.

    • For appending Arrow tables or record batches: Use the first column of the table as RowID. The first column must be of type string.

  • ”generate”: Generate new RowIDs of the format “Row{i}”

static from_batches(generator, row_ids: str = 'generate')

Create output table where each batch is provided by a generator


row_ids (object) – See BatchOutputTable.create.

abstract property num_batches: int

The number of batches written to this output table.

class knime.extension.Schema(ktypes: List[KnimeType | Type], names: List[str], metadata: List | None = None)

A schema defines the data types and names of the columns inside a table. Additionally, it can hold metadata for the individual columns.

__getitem__(slicing: slice | List[int] | List[str]) _ColumnarView

Creates a view of this Table or Schema by slicing columns. The slicing syntax is similar to that of numpy arrays, but columns can also be addressed as index lists or via a list of column names.


slicing (int, str, slice, list) – A column index, a column name, a slice object, a list of column indices, or a list of column names. For single indices, the view will create a “Column” object. For slices or lists of indices, a new Schema will be returned.


A representation of a slice of the original Schema or Table.

Return type:



>>> # Get columns 1,2,3,4
... sliced_schema = schema[1:5]
>>> # Get the columns "name" and "age"
... sliced_schema = schema[["name", "age"]]
append(other: _Columnar | Sequence[_Columnar]) _ColumnarView

Append another _Columnar object (e.g. Table, Schema) or a sequence of _Columnar objects to the current _Columnar object.


other (Union["_Columnar", Sequence["_Columnar"]]) – The _Columnar object or a sequence of _Columnar objects to be appended.


A _ColumnarView object representing the current _Columnar object after the append operation.

Return type:


property column_names: List[str]

Get the names of the columns in a dataset.

classmethod deserialize(table_schema: dict) Schema

Construct a Schema from a dict that was retrieved from KNIME in JSON encoded form as the input to a node’s configure() method. KNIME provides table information with a RowKey column at the beginning, which we drop before returning the created schema.

classmethod from_columns(columns: Sequence[Column] | Column)

Create a schema from a single column or a list of columns.


columns (Union[Sequence[Column], Column]) – A single column or a list of columns.


The constructed schema.

Return type:


classmethod from_types(ktypes: List[KnimeType | Type], names: List[str], metadata: List | None = None)

Create a schema from a list of column data types, names and metadata.

  • ktypes (List[Union[KnimeType, Type]]) – A list of KNIME types or types known to KNIME.

  • names (List[str]) – A list of column names.

  • metadata (List, optional)


The constructed schema.

Return type:


insert(other: _Columnar, at: int) _Columnar

Insert a column or another _Columnar object (e.g. Table, Schema) into the current _Columnar object at a specific position.

  • other (_Columnar or Column) – The column or _Columnar object to be inserted.

  • at (int) – The index at which the insertion should occur.


The _Columnar object after the insertion.

Return type:



TypeError – If other is not of type _Columnar or Column.


The insertion is done in-place, meaning the current _Columnar object is modified.

property num_columns

Get the number of columns in the dataset.

remove(slicing: str | int | List[str])

Implements remove method for Columnar data structures. The input can be a column index, a column name or a list of column names.

If the input is a column index, the column with that index will be removed. If it is a column name, then the first column with matching name is removed. Passing a list of column names will filter out all (including duplicate) columns with matching names.


slicing (int | list | str) – Can be of type integer representing the index in column_names to remove. Or a list of strings removing every column matching from that list. Or a string of which first occurrence is removed from the column_names.



Return type:

A View missing the columns to be removed.

  • ValueError – If no matching column is found given a list or str.:

  • IndexError – If column is accessed by integer and is out of bounds.:

  • TypeError – If the key is neither an integer nor a string or list of strings.:

serialize() Dict

Convert this Schema into dict which can then be JSON encoded and sent to KNIME as result of a node’s configure() method. Because KNIME expects a row key column as first column of the schema, but we don’t include this in the KNIME Python table schema, we insert a row key column here.


RuntimeError – if duplicate column names are detected:

class knime.extension.Column(ktype: KnimeType | Type, name: str, metadata: dict | None = None)

A column inside a table schema consists of the KNIME datatype, a column name, and optional metadata.

__init__(ktype: KnimeType | Type, name: str, metadata: dict | None = None)

Construct a Column from type, name and optional metadata.

  • ktype (Union[KnimeType, Type]) – The KNIME type of the column or a type which can be converted via knime.api.schema.logical(ktype) to a KNIME type. Raises a TypeError if the type is not a KNIME type or cannot be converted to a KNIME type.

  • name (str) – The name of the column. May not be empty. Raises a ValueError if the name is empty.

  • metadata (dict, optional) – Metadata of this column.


The constructed column.

Return type:


  • TypeError – If the type is not a KNIME type or cannot be converted to a KNIME type.

  • ValueError – If the name is empty.

Data Types

These are helper functions to create KNIME compatible datatypes. For instance, if a new column is created.


Create a KNIME integer type with 32 bits.


Create a KNIME integer type with 64 bits


Create a KNIME floating point type with double precision (64 bits).


Create a KNIME boolean type.

knime.extension.string(dict_encoding_key_type: DictEncodingKeyType | None = None)

Create a KNIME string type.


dict_encoding_key_type (DictEncodingKeyType, optional) – The key type to use for dictionary encoding. If this is None (the default), no dictionary encoding will be used. Dictionary encoding helps to reduce storage space and read/write performance for columns with repeating values such as categorical data.

knime.extension.blob(dict_encoding_key_type: DictEncodingKeyType | None = None)

Create a KNIME blob type for binary data of variable length.


dict_encoding_key_type (DictEncodingKeyType, optional) – The key type to use for dictionary encoding. If this is None (the default), no dictionary encoding will be used. Dictionary encoding helps to reduce storage space and read/write performance for columns with repeating values such as categorical data.

knime.extension.list_(inner_type: KnimeType)

Create a KNIME type that is a list of the given inner types


inner_type (KnimeType) – The type of the elements in the list. Must be a KnimeType.


Create a KNIME structured data type where each given argument represents a field of the struct.


inner_types (list) – The argument list of this method defines the fields in this structured data type. Each inner type must be a KNIME type

knime.extension.logical(value_type) LogicalType

Create a KNIME logical data type of the given Python value type.


value_type (type) – The type of the values inside this column. A knime.api.types.PythonValueFactory must be registered for this type.


TypeError – If no PythonValueFactory has been registered for this value type with knime.api.types.register_python_value_factory.

knime.extension.datetime(date: bool | None = True, time: bool | None = True, timezone: bool | None = False) LogicalType
Currently, KNIME supports the following date/time formats:
  • Local DateTime (date=True, time=True, timezone=False)

  • Local Date (date=True, time=False, timezone=False)

  • Local Time (date=False, time=True, timezone=False)

  • Zoned DateTime (date=True, time=True, timezone=True)

  • date (Optional[bool]) – Whether the column contains a date.

  • time (Optional[bool]) – Whether the column contains a time.

  • timezone (Optional[bool]) – Whether the column contains a timezone.


A LogicalType representing the given date/time format.

Return type:



ValueError – If the combination of date, time and timezone is not supported or the datetime types are not registered in KNIME.

Views NodeView

Create an NodeView for the given object.

This method tries to find out the best option to display the given object. First, the method checks if a special view implementation (listed below) exists for the given object. Next, IPython _repr_html_, _repr_svg_, _repr_png_, or _repr_jpeg_ are used.

Special view implementations:

  • HTML: The obj must be of type str and start with “<!DOCTYPE html>”. The document must be self-contained and must not reference external resources. Links to external resources will be opened in an external browser.

  • SVG: The obj must be of type str and contain a valid SVG

  • PNG: The obj must be of type bytes and contain a PNG image file

  • JPEG: The obj must be of type bytes and contain a JPEG image file

  • Matplotlib: The obj must be a matplotlib.figure.Figure

  • Plotly: The obj must be a plotly.graph_objects.Figure


obj (Any) – The object which should be displayed


ValueError – If no view could be created for the given object, format='png') NodeView

Create a view showing the given matplotlib figure.

The figure is displayed by exporting it as an SVG. If no figure is given the current active figure is displayed. Note that the figure is closed and should not be used after calling this method.

  • fig (matplotlib.figure.Figure) – A matplotlib figure which should be displayed.

  • format (str) – The format of the view inside the HTML document. Either “png” or “svg”.

  • ImportError – If matplotlib is not available.

  • TypeError – If the figure is not a matplotlib figure. NodeView

Create a view showing the current active seaborn figure.

This function just calls view_matplotlib() because seaborn plots are just matplotlib figures under the hood.


ImportError – If matplotlib is not available. NodeView

Create a view showing the given plotly figure.

The figure is displayed by exporting it as an HTML document.

To be able to synchronize the selection between the view and other KNIME views the customdata of the figure traces must be set to the RowID.


fig (plotly.graph_objects.Figure) – A plotly figure object which should be displayed.

  • ImportError – If plotly is not available.

  • TypeError – If the figure is not a plotly figure.


>>> fig = px.scatter(df, x="my_x_col", y="my_y_col", color="my_label_col",
...                 custom_data=[df.index])
... node_view = view_plotly(fig) str, svg_or_png: str | bytes | None = None, render_fn: Callable[[], str | bytes] | None = None) NodeView

Create a NodeView that displays the given HTML document.

The document must be self-contained and must not reference external resources. Links to external resources will be opened in an external browser.

  • html (str) – A string containing the HTML document.

  • svg_or_png (str or bytes) – A rendered representation of the HTML page. Either a string containing an SVG or a bytes object containing a PNG image.

  • render_fn (callable) – A callable that returns an SVG or PNG representation of the page. str) NodeView

Create a NodeView that displays the given SVG.


svg (str) – A string containing the SVG. bytes) NodeView

Create a NodeView that displays the given PNG image.


png (bytes) – The bytes of the PNG image bytes) NodeView

Create a NodeView that displays the given JPEG image.


jpeg (bytes) – The bytes of the JPEG image NodeView

Create a NodeView by using the IPython _repr_*_ function of the object.

Tries to use:

  1. _repr_html_

  2. _repr_svg_

  3. _repr_png_

  4. _repr_jpeg_

in this order.


obj (object) – The object which should be displayed.


ValueError – If no view could be created for the given object.

class str, svg_or_png: str | bytes | None = None, render_fn: Callable[[], str | bytes] | None = None)

A view of a KNIME node that can be displayed for the user.


Do not create a NodeView directly but use the utility functions view, view_html, view_svg, view_png, and view_jpeg.

Port Objects

Port Object Specs

class knime.extension.PortObjectSpec

Base protocol for port object specs.

A PortObjectSpec must support conversion from/to a dictionary which is then encoded as JSON and sent to/from KNIME.

abstract classmethod deserialize(data: Dict, java_callback=None)

Deserialize the port object.

  • data (Dict) – The data dict created by serialize

  • java_callback (any) – A callback handler that allows to make callbacks to Java. Was introduced in 5.3 and can be omitted in derived classes.


The deserialized PortObjectSpec

Return type:


class knime.extension.BinaryPortObjectSpec(id: str)

Port object spec for simple binary port objects.

BinaryPortObjectSpecs have an ID that is used to ensure that only ports with equal ID can be connected.

classmethod deserialize(data)

Deserialize the port object.

  • data (Dict) – The data dict created by serialize

  • java_callback (any) – A callback handler that allows to make callbacks to Java. Was introduced in 5.3 and can be omitted in derived classes.


The deserialized PortObjectSpec

Return type:


class knime.extension.ImagePortObjectSpec(format: str | Enum)

Port object spec for image port objects.

ImagePortObjectSpec objects require the format specified via knext.ImageFormat.PNG or knext.ImageFormat.SVG.

classmethod deserialize(data)

Deserialize the port object.

  • data (Dict) – The data dict created by serialize

  • java_callback (any) – A callback handler that allows to make callbacks to Java. Was introduced in 5.3 and can be omitted in derived classes.


The deserialized PortObjectSpec

Return type:


class knime.extension.ImageFormat(value)

The image formats available for image ports.

PNG = 'png'

The PNG format.

SVG = 'svg'

The SVG format.

Custom Port Object Types

class knime.extension.PortObject(spec: PortObjectSpec)

Base class for custom port objects. They must have a corresponding PortObjectSpec and support serialization from and to bytes.

abstract classmethod deserialize(spec: PortObjectSpec, storage: bytes) PortObject

Creates the port object from its spec and storage.

abstract serialize() bytes

Serialize the object to bytes.

property spec: PortObjectSpec

Provides access to the spec of the PortObject.

class knime.extension.ConnectionPortObject(spec: PortObjectSpec)

Connection port objects are a special type of port objects which support dealing with non-serializable objects such as database connections or web sessions.

Connection port objects are passed downstream by ensuring that the same Python process is used to execute subsequent nodes. ConnectionPortObjects must provide the data in the to_connection_data and create new instances from the same data in from_connection_data. A reference to the data Python object is maintained and handed to downstream nodes. So the data does not need to be serializable/picklable.

abstract classmethod from_connection_data(spec: PortObjectSpec, data: Any) ConnectionPortObject

Construct a ConnectionPortObject from spec and data. The data is the data that has been returned by the to_connection_data method of the ConnectionPortObject by the upstream node.

The data should not be tempered with, as it is a Python object that is handed to all nodes using this ConnectionPortObject.

property spec: PortObjectSpec

Provides access to the spec of the PortObject.

abstract to_connection_data() Any

Provide the data that makes up this ConnectionPortObject such that it can be used by downstream nodes in the from_connection_data method.

Environment Variables

This module provides access to the different environment variables that are available in KNIME.

class knime.extension.ProxySettings(protocol_name: str | None = None, host_name: str | None = None, port_number: str | None = None, exclude_hosts: str | None = None, user_name: str | None = None, password: str | None = None)

Proxy settings for a KNIME node

The proxy settings are used to set the proxy environment variables for the KNIME Python integration.


The lowercase protocol name.


str or None


The host name.


str or None


The port number.


str or None


List of hosts to exclude.


str or None


The username.


str or None


The password.


str or None


True if both username and password are provided, False otherwise.



  • protocol_name (str, optional) – The name of the protocol. Default is None.

  • host_name (str, optional) – The name of the host. Default is None.

  • port_number (str, optional) – The port number. Default is None.

  • exclude_hosts (str, optional) – List of hosts to exclude. Default is None.

  • user_name (str, optional) – The username. Default is None.

  • password (str, optional) – The password. Default is None.


Create the proxy environment variable strings.


Set the proxy settings as environment variables.

from_string(proxy_string, exclude_hosts=None)

Parse the proxy settings from a string.


Return the supported proxy protocols for KNIME proxy settings in Python.

create_proxy_environment_key_value_pair() Tuple[str, str]

Create the proxy environment variable strings.


Tuple[str, str]

Return type:

The proxy environment variable name and value

classmethod from_string(proxy_string, exclude_hosts: str | None = None)

Parse the proxy settings from a string

  • proxy_string (str) – The string is in the format of: protocol://user:password@host:port or protocol://host:port e.g. http://user:password@localhost:8080 or http://localhost:8080

  • exclude_hosts (str) – The hosts that should be excluded from the proxy, e.g. localhost, separated by a comma


The proxy settings object

Return type:



Set the proxy settings as environment variables.

static supported_proxy_protocols() str

Return the supported proxy protocols for KNIME proxy settings in Python.


A string containing the list of supported proxy protocols.

Return type:


class knime.extension.get_proxy_settings(protocol_name: str | None = None)

Get the proxy settings from the environment variables.

Get the proxy settings as configured either in KNIME’s preferences or via environment variables. Even if the proxy settings were configured in KNIME’s preferences only, they are already set as environment variables for this Python process, so they are in effect for everything you do.


protocol_name (str) – The protocol name, e.g. ‘http’ or ‘https’. To see all supported protocols, call ProxySettings.supported_proxy_protocols().


The proxy settings object.

Return type:
